Monday, September 16, 2013

Long Time No See

As you can imagine, I have been a tad busy! This whole teaching thing is hard work! Not that I ever thought it was easy, there are just so many things I never thought about! I am so thankful for such a supportive team of 3rd grade teachers to keep encouraging me and remind me of everything I should be doing!

I am up to 18 now, 15 boys and 3 girls. I regret being so excited about having mostly boys! My poor girls are constantly complaining about the number of boys, at this age they don't realize what a good thing it could be =). It just so happens that the majority of the new students in 3rd grade have been boys, and since I had the smallest class I have gotten the new students. Only 6 of my kids were at the school last year, so it is tough to have so many new students. They don't know each other very well, so it is causing some aggression to come out. We are working every day on how to express our emotions in better ways. It is less and less overwhelming everyday! Getting hugs from the kids is the quickest way to dissolve any feelings of uncertainty!

I have been fortunate to see and talk to several of my friends that graduated with me in elementary education lately! It is encouraging to know we are all having the same struggles and going through our first year together! I had the absolute best group of girls to go through the elementary program with, and I miss them everyday! I miss carpooling to school and sharing our experiences with each other!

I went home to Hartselle for Labor Day, and what a change of pace it was. Even for only living in Atlanta for a little over a month at the time, the fast pace lifestyle quickly becomes a part of you. It was extremely relaxing to drive through downtown Friday night with so few cars around. I did a lot of yummy eating and being lazy with family. It was the perfect Labor Day weekend after 3 long weeks of teaching!

The past two weekends I have spent in my home away from home, Auburn. It killed me not being there for the first game, so I made sure to be there for the next two. I can't describe how weird it was to drive into Auburn for the first time as an alumni. It is the same Auburn, only I'm not living there anymore. I got to see many of my best friends and eat at some of my favorite places! Not many things are better than gameday in Auburn. I was on the verge of happy tears so many time that first Saturday, because it is the perfect place with so much love for its students and alumni. One of the best parts of the weekend was seeing my sweet Mary Alderson! I got to hear all about first grade and how much she loves it! And of course I always love catching up with her mom, my fabulous boss from college!

My sweet little and one of my best friends! We are so much alike it is weird!

This past weekend my dad and brother came to Auburn too!  My dad gave me my love for Auburn, and for that I am so thankful! For that reason and many more, I love getting to tailgate with him! 

We spent the day with one of my best friends and her family! Frances and I spent just about every game day together in our four years at Auburn, and oh my how good it was to be back together! 

This is the cutest picture from our first football game freshmen year!

Here we are on Saturday! Love this girl and her full of life personality! There is never a dull moment with her and her family!

I loved getting to spend time with Kali, my roommate for three years! She was sweet to let me sit with her at the Arkansas State game and go with me to some of my favorite places! Sadly, we didn't take a picture to document.

This past weekend I spent with my sweet friend Jennifer! Jennifer and I were pledge sisters and also had all of our classes together! She is constantly encouraging and sweet as can be! I must say she was quite the hostess!

Although I have had so much fun the past three weekends traveling, I am looking forward to a weekend in Atlanta! I will do lots of sleeping and cooking! Keep praying for my sweet kids and that I have the patience to teach them the coping skills they need. Pray that I continuously give them love regardless of their behavior! 

Last but not least, WAR EAGLE!!! Maybe we can keep our undefeated streak alive!

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